Improv Meets PSYCH-K® for Beginning Improvisers
2:00 PM14:00

Improv Meets PSYCH-K® for Beginning Improvisers

PSYCH-K® is a healing modality in which psychology meets kinesiology. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that basically gets your brain unstuck. By going through a simple process with a facilitator, one can free themselves from subconscious beliefs that are the source of habits, fears, stresses, anxieties and so on.

In every ZipLine class we aim to provide a relaxed and supportive environment where participants can stretch and explore safely, and this workshop will take it a step or two further by paying particular attention to whatever your discomfort may be. Each student will have a short process with the PSYCH-K® facilitator to address it in a mini private PSYCH-K® session and the rest of the time you will be learning the basic tenets of what makes improv work (hint: it's NOT being the fastest, funniest, cleverest person in the room!).

My co-facilitator is Meaganne McCandess, also an improviser as well as a decades’ long student of multiple healing and personal growth modalities. She brings a deep empathy and wisdom to whatever she undertakes, and this work is no exception. She is excited to bring this tool to her fellow improvisors so they can be free to shine. (Website under construction.)

Cost: $70 HERE (fees) or Venmo @Laura-Wachtel (9168)

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Improv Meets PSYCH-K®
1:00 PM13:00

Improv Meets PSYCH-K®

PSYCH-K® is a healing modality in which psychology meets kinesiology. It’s a simple yet powerful tool that basically gets your brain unstuck. By going through a simple process with a facilitator, one can free themselves from subconscious beliefs that are the source of habits, fears, stresses, anxieties and so on.

I am really excited to bring this process to improvisers! In this workshop we will explore what crops up in students’ work, where they feel stuck, anxious or otherwise blocked, and they will have a short process with the PSYCH-K facilitator to address it. 

My co-facilitator is Meaganne McCandess, also an improviser as well as a decades’ long student of multiple healing and personal growth modalities. She brings a deep empathy and wisdom to whatever she undertakes, and this work is no exception. She is excited to bring this tool to her fellow improvisors so they can be free to shine. (Website under construction.)

FYI , this is a workshop for those who already have an improv practice, there will be one the prior day introducing people to improv.

Cost: $70 (fees) HERE or Venmo @Laura-Wachtel (9168)

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Improv meets Feldenkrais
1:00 PM13:00

Improv meets Feldenkrais


Feldenkrais is a gentle body movement technique that focuses on somatic learning—helping individuals become more aware of their bodies, movements, and habits. It also has a lot in common with improv, such as awareness, spontaneity, and adaptability.

In this workshop we will explore how becoming more aware of your body can translate to being more alive and connected on stage, within your own self as well as with your scene partners. While we will use improv exercises to explore the work, you need not be proficient in improv skills to take the class as it will apply to those who perform in any capacity; participants will be met where they are.

As someone who habitually holds a lot of tension in my throat and jaw, I personally have had amazing experiences with using FDK to reach my voice and use it more effortlessly. Even just remembering the motions relaxes me and I’m eager to explore this further by directly linking it with improv in a class setting!

My co-teacher for this is the magnificent Carie Fox:

This 3-hour workshop is $60, you can REGISTER HERE.

Contact with questions.

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